Academic medical centers: whence they came, where they went

D Korn - Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 1998 -
X cademic medicine in. the United States is approaching plexity that was catalyzed and
sustained by two seminal federal the new millennium in a period of profound and policy
decisions. The first, enunciated in theimmediate after-unsettling change, a period that might
aptly be de- math of World War II, posited that the support of basic scribed by the French
phrasefin de sicle, or the end ofan era. research was an appropriate responsibility of the
federal gov-After a longperiod ofnurture marked by dependably abundant ernment and that …

The material contained in this article borrows heavily from Reengineering academic medical centers: Reengineering academic values? Acad Med 1996; 71: 1033-43 …

D Korn - Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 1998 -
In this issue, for the first time, we are publishing the text of the President's Distinguished
Guest Lecture from our Annual Meeting. Dr. David Korn, who is currently Senior Vice
President for Biomedical Research at the Association of Academic Medical Colleges, was
asked to give this address because of his vast experience in the challenges facing academic
medical centers. His comments are as relevant to the reproductive services as to any other
field and were so well received at the plenary session of our Annual Meeting that we have …